Need a Reliable Method to Analyze Diverse and Vast Data Sets?
InfoSift leverages IBM Watson Speech to Text and ChatGPT to efficiently parse vast amounts of verbal and written data. By using advanced analysis techniques, InfoSift extracts the information you need, saving you the time and effort of sifting through all the data yourself.
With InfoSift Simply…
1. Record verbal conversations as MP3 files or transcribe medical documents into text files
2. Add and submit your files to the InfoSift tool
3. Gain access to a comprehensive summary and topical breakdowns of your data
Immediate Summarizations
Simply record conversations or provide written texts to receive immediate, concise summaries of your data. Gain quick insights and essential information without the wait.
Enhanced Productivity
Focus on higher-value tasks rather than sifting through data, enhancing productivity and making better use of your time.
Chart Analysis
Visualize common words with dynamic charts that highlight frequently occurring terms, providing clear insights into key topics and trends in your data.
How Does InfoSift Work?
InfoSift accepts text files directly or converts your MP3 files to text in real-time using IBM Watson Speech to Text. It identifies different speakers and allows you to train the tool to recognize specific terminology tailored to your needs.
Example summary generated from an analysis of a Mission: Impossible – Fallout review document.
InfoSift harnesses AI to condense text data into a concise, easily digestible summary by identifying key themes, trends, and insights from the text.
Example summary generated from an analysis of a Mission: Impossible – Fallout review document.
InfoSift employs Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling, effectively extracting and categorizing topics from your dataset. Each identified topic is further analyzed to reveal a mix of key terms. InfoSift utilizes pyLDAvis to create a dynamic visualization of the topics found in your dataset.
Example drawn when the Mission: Impossible - Fallout Review was used.